This is a list of the accessible Chapters in Drakengard 3.
DLC Chapters[]
Five's Chapter[]
Narration → Camp
Five sets off on a journey with her
disciple, Dito, but her passing desires
steer her to some unusual places.*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
The pair travels through the desert in
search of some "legendary meat" Five heard
of from a villager. Can they really find it?
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Five is most disappointed to learn what
the "legendary meat" actually is.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
After failing to find their meat, the duo<brsets off for the Land of Mountains in<brsearch of some rare exotic mushrooms.
You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Five and Dito continue their search for
'shrooms, but centaurs and other monsters
make the journey of questionable value.
* You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
After what seems like an endless search
in the mountains, Five and Dito come away
empty-handed. ...Such a pity.
* You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As Five and Dito's mad treasure hunt
continues, Gabriella shows up to keep
an eye on things.
* You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Dito dislikes the sights and smells in
the Land of Seas, but Five is thrilled.
What are they possibly after here...?
* You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As the treasure hunt continues, the gang
encounters a female warrior whose hatred
for Five goes unnoticed by the Intoner.
* You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As the trio reaches the shoreline where
their destination awaits, a nearby ship
seems to be behaving strangely...
Sooo yummy. Sooo yummy. Sooo yummy. Sooo
yummy. Sooo yummy. Sooo yummy. Sooo yummy.
Sooo yummy. Sooo yummy. Sooo yummy.
Four's Chapter[]
Narration → Game
The Intoner Four has long dreamed of a
peaceful, loving world—a dream shared
by her disciple, Decadus.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As the pair takes up arms to wipe out any
remaining resistance in the Cathedral
City, Four's justice knows no mercy.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Four instructs Decadus on what true love
really is—a conversation that seems to
rankle Gabriella to no end.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Four heads off to the Land of Forests,
where she must dispatch a clutch of
monsters created by Three.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
The hordes of foes in the Land of Forests
are no match for Four's particular brand
of angry, bladed justice.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Gabriella looks into Four's heart as the
Intoner strives to fulfill One's wishes,
and is not at all fond of what she finds.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
The trio combs the Land of Sands for
gems left by its fleeing lord—a mission
Four insists is purely to aid One.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Gabriella snaps Four out of her gem-fueled
reverie with some choice, cutting words.
Goodness, catfights really are fun!
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Refusing to listen to either Gabriella or
Decadus, Four sets off to destroy a
fleeing band of elven air pirates.
Four mows down the supposed bad apples
one after the other, eliciting a symphony
of pained and terrorized screams.
Four presses the attack in an effort
to take out the pirate mothership.
And though Gabriella urges mercy,
her words fall on deaf ears.
The screams of agony are not enough to
dim the pride Four feels at her victory.
As far as she is concerned, true justice
has finally been served.
Three's Chapter[]
Narration → Camp
Three is an amateur doll maker, but her
fanatical devotion to this hobby is
enough to give her disciple, Octa, pause.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Three's uncontrollable beasts are causing
mayhem across the land, forcing her to
track down and slay her own creations.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Three has long desired an army of strong,
beautiful, and loyal soldiers, but her
efforts led to many...failed experiments.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Three's quest to slay her failed creations
continues, this time involving imps she
enhanced to harness their powers of flight.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As he fends off hordes of imps, Octa
decides the time is right to discuss some
of his recent concerns with Three.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As Three's mop-up quest continues,
the dragon Gabriella—acting on orders
from One—arrives on the scene.
As the group finally reaches the last
round, Gabriella grows increasingly angry.
Three was always naturally curious about
the mysterious aspects of life, but one
topic held her thought more than most...
The human body.
Octa grows increasingly concerned with
Three's hobby, while the Intoner is sad to
hear One wants her masterpieces destroyed.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Two's Chapter[]
Narration → Game
Two and her disciple, Cent, are deeply in
love. The two wile away the hours by
clearing the land of monsters.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As Two and Cent continue dispatching foes,
their sickening lovey-dovey nonsens—er,
their feelings for each other deepen.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As Two and Cent prepare for the upcoming
battle, it is revealed that Two built an
orphanage for hurt and abandoned children.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Two and Cent help One fulfill her dream of
a new government by eliminating stragglers
and monsters from the Land of Forests.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
The mushy bullsh—er, deep and loving
banter continues unabated between
Two and Cent as they fight.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Cent continues to support Two in her
efforts to gather and protect war
orphans throughout the lands.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Two and Cent ponder their destined love,
but the happy moment is ruined when
ill news arrives from the Cathedral City,
home to Two's orphanage.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
The lovers reach the Cathedral City, only to find it has been reduced to
an almost unrecognizable horror.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Something is very wrong in the Cathedral
City—the foes Two is facing are the very
soldiers Cent had previously enhanced.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As she heads for the Cathedral where the
children are staying, Two is shocked by
the state of her once-loyal soliders.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
The pair reaches the Cathedral and finds
their worst fears confirmed, which causes
a kind of madness to swell insdie Two...
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
The cruel battle destroys the gentle heart
that once beat inside Two, but Cent vows
to stay with his lover, no matter what.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
One's Chapter[]
Narration → Game
One is the only Intoner without a
disciple, and yet she possesses something
none of her sisters have—a brother.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
One's new "brother" holds a deep faith in
his sister. Together, they set out to end
the cruel reign of their world's lords.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
One and her brother wage a rebellion
to free the masses from the tyranny
of their cruel lords.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Camp → Narration
The siblings have overcome their first trial
and deepened their bond through combat
Throughout the night, Gabriella quietly
watches over them.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Zero's Chapter[]
Narration → Game
Learning of the flower that infected her
the Intoner Zero goes on a journey to bury
both her sisters born from it and herself.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
As she searches for a way to put an end
to the Intoners, Zero encounters a dragon.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Zero reminisces about Michael with her
disciples. Discussing her former companion
seems to put a slight smile on Zero's face.
Michael knows of the hidden link between
dragons and the flower. Zero informs him
of her journey's purpose and requests
his cooperation.
Michael reluctantly accepts Zero's quest.
Where will the unlikely duo travel next?
A dragon's lifespan is all but infinite
And while they experience a seemingly
endless amount of wonders across the ages...
they also suffer nearly as much loss.
Zero and Michael reach the Land of
Mountains, and tehd ragon's next move
leaves the Intoner dumbfounded.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Nearly blind with rage, Zero slaughters
all who cross her path, vowing revenge
on Michael all the while.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Michael compels Zero to follow him
across the world—this time leading
her to the Land of Sands.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
After being taken to and fro by Michael,
Zero is now faced with her final test.
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.
Camp → Narration
Michael resolves to fight with Zero,
driven by his undying memory of
*You cannot swap weapons in this mission.